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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Monday, 25 April 2016

For I-C parents-
Click the link below.
Take print out, Fill it and send it on 27.04.2016 without fail.


Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The camel is called the ship of the desert.

Read the last lesson in your English book and write seven lines to make the above sentence true.

 Write few sentences about how clay pots are made.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Coin new words and practice reading.


                                                           Enriching vocabulary

                                       MINTING WORDS AND VOCABULARY HUNTING

          Try to write  [coin new words] as many words as possible from the given words.

          Our theme is " Save water for our  future use  "

          Now let us learn something about water before coin new words from the sentences


                                      Water is the pond, lakes,  and oceans.

                                      It flows in rivers and streams.

                                      It is in the air, too.

       Now words of your choice to mint new words!.
Example. Water  
                                1.  ate
                                2.  eat
                                4.                                 (carry on like this....)

SA _2  in English will be conducted on  18 - 03 - 16.   Start revision work for excellent results. 
Time table for SA-2  

11 - 03 - 16  -------------  Maths

16 -03 - 16  --------------    English

17 - 03 - 16  --------------      EVS

18 - 03 - 16  --------------    Hindi

Dear children,
                    You can now start learning for the written test.Learn the steps in making clay pots. After learning it do not forget to write and bring the paper for discussion in the class.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Dear IV std. children, 

               Hope you have read the lesson "The Scholar's Mother Tongue"  and the poem "A Watering Rhyme".  Now try to answer the following:-

The Scholar's Mother Tongue

      1. What was the kings name ?

      2. Who came to Alkbar's Court ?

      3. What did the claim to know ?

      4. How did he challenge everybody ?

      5. Do you think that Birbal is a clever courtier ?


A Watering Rhyme

      1. What is the best time to water the plants ?

      2. When should we not water the plants 

       3. Which part of the plant should be watered ?

        4. What will happen to the flower if we water at noon day ?

       5. What do you understand by the word thirsty feet ?


              * Note : Wait for the ppt and the movie on the above lessons.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Dear Children of V-B

Read "Around the World" and get ready for oral test  (Speaking Competency) on 21.01.2016 Thursday.